Medal of Honor Hero
On April 2, 1972, Navy Seal Lieutenant Thomas Norris, was in the middle of his Easter Offensive operation to locate Lt. Col. Ideal Hambleton who was shot down near the DMZ. Efforts by air led to another loss of aircraft, so a ground attempt was ordered. Navy Seal Lt. Norris led a five man team into hostile territory and was able to recover, Lt. Mark Clark, who was the Son of WW11 General Mark Clark.Lt. Mark Clark was shot down while searching for Lt. Col. Ideal Hambleton. Time was running out to find Lt. Col. Hambleton, so Lt. Norris along with South Vietnamese Commando Nguyen Van Kiet disguised themselves as fishermen. Going through infested jungles, they were able to locate Hambleton. They put him into their sampan and covered him with bamboo, while navigating back to American lines, and being under intense enemy fire, Lt. Norris neutralized a well-place air strike.For his highly successful classified mission, Lt. Norris was awarded the Medal of Honor and Nguyen Van Kiet, became one of the few Vietnamese to receive the Navy Cross.We are grateful for your Service, Lt. Thomas Norris and Nguyen Van Kiet and also for your Sacrifice to our Country! You are True War Heroes who will not be forgotten!